4 sticker designs for the avid board gamer!
These stickers are all approximately 2.5 inches tall with glossy and vibrant colors! They read:
Less AP More VP (for the player plagued by analysis paralysis)
First Player (for when you MUST play first)
Rules Lawyer (because those are the rules and it's important to me that you know them)
Ask Me About My Kallax (for when you need more conversations about box size in your life)
Buy a set of all 4 stickers and get one free!
If you love these stickers, check back in October for the sequel kickstarter, "Board Gamer-Isms" - another pin/sticker set for board gamers with several gamer catch-phrases. This upcoming set will include pin versions of all 4 of these sticker designs!
See the original kickstarter campaign page here: